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Personal Details 捐款者資料

I/We would like to make a one-off donation to The Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust for the following purpose 本人願意一次性捐款予瑪麗慈善基金作以下用途:

Donation for:

Projects of QMH 瑪麗醫院項目
Projects of Faculty of Medicine, HKU 香港大學醫學院項目

Donation Amount 捐款金額  (HKD)
Salutation 稱謂

Mr. 先生
Mrs. 太太
Ms. 女士
Dr. 博士
English Name 英文姓名
Chinese Name 中文姓名
Address 地址
Email 電郵
Telephone 電話
Receipt 收據
Please send me an official receipt (Applicable only to each donation amounting HK$100 or above for tax deduction) 請寄回捐款收據 (只適用於港幣100元或以上之捐款,並可憑收據申請稅項寬減)。
Enter recipient's name 捐款收據芳名
I know The Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust from the following channel: 認識瑪麗慈善基金之途徑:
What method of payment 選擇捐款方法支付

  信用卡 Visa/Mastercard

Refund Policy 退款政策

Donation made shall be non-refundable. 所有捐款均不設退款服務。

Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資
The Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust (The Trust) shall comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in handling and keeping your personal data. The Trust will not sell and, or provide your personal data to any third party. Your personal data will be used solely for issuing donation receipts, fund-raising appeals and promotional activities. You have the right to access, correct and request The Trust to stop using your personal data for the above purposes at any time and at no charge by contacting us through the channels stated in this website.
If you would like to receive such promotion materials or communications, please tick the box. 若您願意收到上述資訊及宣傳資料,請在方格上加上剔號。
Thanks for your generous support. Your donation could make a difference for the patients. 多謝您的慷慨捐獻!您的一分一毫,將讓更多病人受惠。
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