About Us

The Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust

Founded in 1993, The Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust has been since then soliciting donations to fund patient-oriented projects, and to continuously enhance the facilities of Queen Mary Hospital and support for research in medicine. The Trust is a Registered Charitable Institution under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


  • Mr Peter Hong-yuen WONG, GBS, OBE, JP (Chairman)
  • Mr Raymond Siu-keung WONG, MBE (Honorary Secretary)
  • Mr Leo Lin-cheng KUNG, GBS, JP
  • Mr Kin-lai LAM, JP
  • Mr Roger Koon-hoo LUK, BBS, JP
  • Mr Philip Wing-chung TSAI, BBS, JP
  • Mr Henry King-cheong WU, BBS, JP

­­­­QMH CHARITY LIMITED, a company limited by guarantee incorporated in Hong Kong on 31 March 1994, has been appointed by the Trustees to act as the executive and administrative vehicle of the Trust.


  • Ms Wai-yan CHAN (Chairman)
  • Mr Peter Hong-yuen WONG, GBS, OBE, JP
  • Mr Raymond Siu-keung WONG, MBE
  • Mr Leo Lin-cheng KUNG, GBS, JP
  • Mr Kin-lai LAM, JP
  • Mr Philip Wing-chung TSAI, BBS, JP
  • Mr Henry King-cheong WU, BBS, JP
  • Mr Praveen Mohan DASWANI
  • Ms Florence Yin-ping LI
  • Mr Lincoln Lai TSO
  • Ms Vanessa WANG

         Queen Mary Hospital

Queen Mary Hospital

The Hospital began operation in 1937, and it is now a regional acute hospital as well as the teaching hospital for the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. Besides offering a comprehensive range of high-quality healthcare services to the community, it aims to capitalise on the combined expertise and research of the Hospital Authority and the University to provide special tertiary and quaternary care and an appropriate environment, staff and facilities for educating, training and developing healthcare professionals and facilitating education and research.

It also serves as a territory-wide tertiary and quaternary referral centre for many complex and advanced services, including organ and bone marrow transplants, neonatal intensive care, paediatric surgery, assisted reproduction, coronary care, oral maxillo-facial surgery, burns and reconstructive surgery and neurosurgery. Besides those, it is also the only designated liver transplant centre in Hong Kong since July 2003 providing world-class standard liver transplant service. Since the relocation of cardiothoracic surgical and associated services from Grantham Hospital to QMH in July 2008, the Hospital has also become the only heart and heart lung transplant centre in Hong Kong.